Dr. Nadeem Sajjad Raja

Medical & Consulting Services

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About Dr. Raja

Dr Nadeem Sajjad Raja qualified at the Rawalpindi Medical College Rawalpindi, University of Punjab, Pakistan. After practicing in Pakistan, he moved to the UK where he qualified as a consultant physician (Microbiologist). He also gained experience in tropical infectious diseases in Malaysia. He has a specialist training and interests in infections and manages all types of infections.

Dr Raja has obtained knowledge on the taxonomy, structure and physiology of microbes and have an extensive understanding of the epidemiology, disease process, diagnosis, treatment (use of antibiotics, mode of action of antibiotic and bacterial resistance to the antibiotics) and prevention of infectious diseases. He also gained valuable experience in bench skills, quality control, personal hygiene & protection, risk assessment and general technical methods including methods of sterilisation and disinfection and infection control.

Our Services

Medical Services

Dr Raja provides services to the NHS, private hospitals, as well as to private patients.

Medical Writing

Dr. Raja also provide writing services including Review article, Original article, Case series, Letter to the editor, Case reports

Medical Advisory

Anti-Infective Services for the pharmaceutical industry to help them produce effective medicines.

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